Rotary Clubs Melk, Hallein and Wallersee - from districts 1910 and 1920 in Austria and Rotary Club Freilassing–Laufen from district 1842 in Germany organised a Youth Camp where for the first time 4 Rotary clubs from 3 Districts and 2 countries worked together to ensure its success.

The title of the Youth Camp was Capture Austria - a Mindful Photographic Adventure through the Natural and Cultural Landscape. 16 participants from 14 countries; Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey and the USA participated from the 17th to the 31st August 2024 in Melk/Wachau and Rauris Valley.

The accommodation during the first week was provided in the Abbey of Melk. The second week the participants stayed in the Rauris Valley at the Asten Schmiede, an alpine lodge belonging to the organisation Austrian Nature Youth located in the Hohe Tauern National Park. The emphasis was on hiking and discovering the raw Alpine landscape.

Under the guidance of professional photographer Lachlan LOX Blair and movement expert Tanja Feldbacher - who both lead the camp, participants learned how to capture the essence of their surroundings and experiences on their adventure through Austria.

Exposed to the beauty of various cultural and natural highlights they were guided on how to use simple methods and tools to help refine their view and translate that into artistic expression. With the material created and lessons learned during their stay they contributed to a group performance at the end of the camp.

Highlights of the first week included:

A fun meet and greet to get to know each other. A discussion about the language of photography and how to use various techniques and methods of presentation to tell stories. A workshop on photo editing techniques with an introduction to generative artificial intelligence, held in the HTL Ybbs – a leading secondary school for Information Technology in Lower Austria. 

The participants explored the old town of Ybbs guided by a knowledgeable local resident. They also visited an organic Winery and a traditional ‘Heurigen’ wine restaurant. In the City of Baden they visited an outstanding outdoor photo festival with surprising perspectives inspired by sensuous creativity with some of the best photographers in the world transforming the gardens, streets and squares of Baden into an all-embracing work of art.

Highlights of the second week included:

Welcome evening in the alpine lodge Asten Schmiede. A range of easy to more challenging hiking tours in the nearby mountains of the Hohe Tauern National Park, included a walk through primeval forest. Experiencing local culture including singing, dancing and cooking. A visit to the Tauern Spa in Kaprun was a welcome change and chance to swim in the thermal waters. The photography workshop was continued with an emphasis on utilising closeness and distance. The final group performance was held on the last evening of the camp in Pfongau, a town close to the city of Salzburg. The large audience including current district 1842 governor and district 1910 past governor were pleasantly inspiried and touched by the participants enthusiasm and ability to work and learn together.

The Camp Reviews:


This rotary camp was such a great experience. I loved learning about the culture, food and photography and I think it was great that the camp had two parts, because we got to see the beautifull Wachau valley as well as the Alps and each have been very different but both amazing experience. Everyone was very welcoming and friendly and I really enjoyed spending time with them. 

Thank you so much for the camp! 

Anna from Czech Republic


Through this rotary camp I got to explore Austria like never before and experienced what it means to capture Austria through photography, movement, my eyes and even my taste buds.

I am very grateful for all the amazing people that I met and that I not only learned more about the country’s culture, that is so near to my own home, but also learned a lot about other cultures.In addition I finally was able to fulfill my dream to go hiking in the Alps and live in a real “Alm”.

I entered this camp with a lot of excitement and left with an expanded horizon, many new friends, valuable memories and plenty of knowledge to share with other people.

Thank you so much to all the people and rotary clubs that made this camp such an unforgettable and precious time!

Marleen from Germany

Im Sommer 2015 haben die Clubs RC Melk und RC Waidhofen-Amstetten gemeinsam einen 2 wöchigen Foto-Jugendcamp (The Photographer's View: Landscape, Elements und Culture in Lower Austria) veranstaltet. Die fachliche Leitung des Camps in der "Melker Woche" lag in den Händen von unserem Freund Lachlan Lox Blair

Die erste Woche haben die Jugendlichen aus 11 Länder (sogar aus Taiwan hat Ashleigh den weiten Weg nicht gescheut) in Melk und Wachau verbracht, die zweite Woche dann in Waidhofen/Amstetten

Highlights der Melker Woche

Donau und die Wasser-Landschaften

Stein bei Krems

Wein & Weingut Geyerhof & Stift Göttweig

Die Hauptstadt Wien

Wandern in Wachau und Besuch eines "Heurigen"

Melk Woche Bild - Impressionen

Waidhofen/Amstetten Woche Impressionen

Mails nach dem Camp:

Antonia aus Deutschland schrieb:

Das Rotary Youth Summer Camp 2015 in Melk war eine tolle Erfahrung! Zum einen habe ich einen mir vorher unbekannten Teil Österreichs, die Wachau, kennen gelernt, zum anderen waren die zwei Wochen in einer internationalen Gemeinschaft unvergleichlich. Durch die vor allem fotographische Perspektive auf die wunderschöne niederösterreichische Landschaft wurden für mich Details sichtbar, die dem gewöhnlichen Wachaubesucher wahrscheinlich verborgen bleiben. Außerdem haben uns die Mitglieder des Rotary Club Melk immer wieder herzlich aufgenommen und uns unter anderem die Geschichte ihrer Heimat, der Wachau, nähergebracht. Ich bin als erfahrungs- und wissensreicherer Mensch aus Österreich zurückgekehrt, aber werde ganz bestimmt wiederkommen. Ganz, ganz vielen Dank dafür an den RC Melk!

Nika aus Kroatien schrieb:

This has actually been my fourth visit to Austria, but it had shown me a new side of this beautiful country, a more local, personal one. Staying in the Abbey was something special, it felt like home far away from home, with all the new friends staying in the same hallway. Lox was a great teacher, always ready for new questions (and there was A LOT of them 🙂 ). There was always so much to do, with so many stuff that I would maybe never do, like swimming in the Danube and having dinner with a look on Wien at night. It was really helpful to have Anna with us, who was always ready to deal with new situations, which made me feel at ease. I am really grateful for this beautiful trip and for all the time you took to organise it. It rather payed off, giving me a life time experience!
Love, Nika

Ashleigh aus Taiwan schrieb:

Thank you for everything in this two week.
I am really happy to have the opportunity to join with you.
I really learn many things from the camp.
Thank you very much:)

Für 15 Jugendlichen aus 14 Länder bot das rotarische Jugendcamp die einmalige Gelegenheit unsere Gegend um Melk/Waidhofen am Ybbs und Amstetten kennenzulernen.

Aus dem Programm sind folgende Highlights hervorzuheben:

Stiftsführung mit Gastpater Adolf

Besuch vom Atelier Ilse Schnall

Fahrt nach Weitenegg (mit der Möglichkeit zum Baden, Tretbootfahren, Volleyballspielen)

Kunstglasbläserei Faffelberger in Pögstall/Führung durch Schloss und Foltermuseum in Pöggstall

Fahrt nach Bad Großpertholz Nr. 76 in die Papiermühle der Fam. Mörzinger

Urtontrommeln mit Edith

Besichtigung St. Pölten

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung  der

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